Ancient Secret, Modern Miracle: The Truth About Colloidal Silver

I’m sure you have heard of Colloidal silver, but do you know how amazing it is?  I love having natural tools in my home “medicine” cabinet and colloidal silver is one of them.

Colloidal silver has powerful antiviral qualities. For example, it deactivates the Herpes Simplex I and II viruses with low silver nitrate concentrations. In a 1972 study conducted at the Department of Microbiology, Tohoku University in Japan, researchers found that silver nitrate damaged the virus so much that it could no longer cause an infection.

According to the National Institutes of Health (HIH), Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic with metallic silver particles suspended in water.

The History of Silver

Silver has a long and intriguing history as an antibiotic in human health.  It has been developed for use in water purification systems, wound care, bone prostheses, reconstructive orthopedic surgery, cardiac devices, catheters, and surgical appliances.

Silvers’s medicinal and restorative powers can be traced back to ancient Greek and Roman empires.  The wealthy used to store their food and water in silver vessels to prolong the shelf-life and avoid bacterial/mold growth.  Silver sutures were used in the 1800’s in order to prevent infections.

In the 1930s silver lost its glow to profit-making manufactured drugs and eventually this natural immune system booster was placed on the back burner as antibiotics came on the scene. 

“Instead of killing both good and bad bacteria in the body, like traditional antibiotics do, silver doesn’t harm healthy bacteria in the gut,” says Guerry Grune, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and the first silver oxide expert to create patentable solutions.  “It’s non-toxic to the body but lethal to over 650 disease-causing bacteria, fungi, mold, parasites, and viruses. 

10 Uses for Colloidal Silver

If you use any pharmaceutical medications, always check for any contraindications to using colloidal silver.

Always seek allopathic medical care for a severe infection.

1.    Antibacterial and Anti-fungal – It can be used to treat yeast over-growth, Lymes disease, and eye infections to name a few.

2.    Wound Healer – Before antibiotics were invented, silver was applied to wounds for healing. Colloidal silver creams and salves are available to apply to sores and fever blisters as well.

3.    Anti-viral – Colloidal silver has powerful, anti-viral qualities as well.  As stated above, this was proven effective against the Herpes virus.  Whenever I’m feeling like I might be “coming down with something” I immediately start taking Colloidal silver!

4.    Pink Eye – Conjunctivitis and allergies “red eye” can be “cured” using colloidal silver.  Placing a drop in each eye three times a day for a couple days usually does the trick!

5.    Ear Infections- Ear infections, especially among children, can be very painful.  You can easily use a dropper and drop a few drops into the ear while laying on your side.  Stay in that position for 5 minutes before turning over and doing the other ear.  You can repeat this multiple times a day.

6.    Asthma – While many factors are involved in Asthma (like dairy consumption and low calcium/magnesium), colloidal silver can be used in a nebulizer to help when it strikes.  We used this when we got COVID and nebulized four times a day with straight colloidal silver. Worked great!

7.    Warts – HPV, or the human papilloma virus, causes warts.  There are over 100 varieties of wart-causing viruses, and much of it has to do with the immune system. Children often get them more because they do not have a fully developed immune system. You can apply a cream or salve and cover with a band-aid and re-apply daily until the wart is gone.

8.    Allergies – “Hay Fever” is often very seasonal and causes the sneezing, fatigue, and itchy red eyes.  Dr. Grune states, “Silver strengthens the immune system by wiping out infectious bacteria that would otherwise infect organs or red blood cells and reduce the immune system.” 

9.    Yeast Infections, UTIs, and Bacterial Vaginosis – These are not fun! Douching with colloidal silver can eliminate yeast and bacterial vaginosis.

10.Food Poisoning – At the first sign of feeling ill from food poisoning, you should try and take 1-2 ounces of colloidal silver every half hour for several hours. 

So there you have it!  These are just a few of the ways to use Colloidal Silver.  You can put it in your eyes, ears, irrigate your nose with it, nebulize it, douche with it, and drink it!  I wouldn’t be without it in my natural “medicine cabinet!” 

In health,

Chris Mckee

Certified Nutritionist at Achieve Integrative Health

If you would like to know the brand of colloidal silver we recommend,  visit our Full Scripts online dispensary.


Call us at (512) 273-7006 or email us at [email protected]

Chris Mckee