Fats That Make You Dumber

Fats That Make You Dumber 

If you’re like me, you don’t want to lose your sharpness, memory, or intelligence as you age. Unfortunately, there are certain fats we regularly consume that contribute to brain fog, memory loss, and even cognitive decline. The truth is, these fats are everywhere in our modern diet, especially in the U.S., and avoiding them takes conscious effort.

So, here’s the point of today’s podcast: The fats that make you dumber are saturated fats and trans fats. These are non-essential fats, meaning your brain doesn’t need them, and consuming them regularly can actually harm your cognitive function.


Quick Recap: Essential vs. Non-Essential Fats

Before diving in, let’s clarify:

  • Essential Fats: Your brain cannot produce these on its own, so you must obtain them through your diet. Examples include polyunsaturated fats like Omega-3s and monounsaturated fats like olive oil.
  • Non-Essential Fats: These are either produced by your body or not required for optimal function. Examples include saturated fats and trans fats.


1. The Problem with Saturated Fats

What Are Saturated Fats?

  • Saturated fats are commonly found in animal products like butter, cheese, bacon, and fatty cuts of meat. They’re also present in some plant-based sources like coconut oil.

Why Are They Harmful?

  • Brain Function: Saturated fats impair mental performance and increase your risk of cognitive decline. Research shows that consuming high levels of saturated fat reduces oxygen flow to the brain, which is essential for keeping brain cells alive.
  • Chronic Diseases: They contribute to systemic inflammation, raising your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s—often called Type 3 diabetes due to its link with poor metabolic health.
  • Dementia Risk: A study of 800 elderly people found those consuming more than 25 grams of saturated fat daily had 4 times the risk of cognitive decline compared to those consuming less.


How Much Saturated Fat Is Too Much?

  • Less than 7 grams per day is ideal for maintaining brain health. This is roughly half a slice of bacon.
  • The average American consumes far more than this, leading to higher rates of cognitive disorders.


Sources of Saturated Fats

  • Better Options (if consumed in moderation):
    • Organic, grass-fed meats
    • Free-range eggs
    • Organic whole milk yogurt (without added sugars)
  • Avoid These High-Saturated-Fat Foods:
    • Processed meats (ham, sausage, bacon)
    • Commercially sweetened yogurts and ice creams
    • Baked goods made with butter and shortening


2. The Real Villain: Trans Fats

What Are Trans Fats?

  • Trans fats are man-made fats created through a process called hydrogenation, where healthy oils are chemically altered to become solid at room temperature.
  • They are used in processed foods to increase shelf life and save costs, but they are extremely harmful to your body.

Why Are They Dangerous?

  • Cognitive Impairment: Just 2 grams of trans fat daily can impair brain function and memory.
  • Heart and Inflammation Risks: Trans fats raise cholesterol, promote inflammation, and significantly increase the risk of heart disease.
  • Hidden Danger: Even foods labeled “zero trans fats” can legally contain up to 0.5 grams per serving, which adds up quickly if you’re eating multiple servings.


Where Are Trans Fats Found?

  • Packaged and processed foods like:
    • Donuts, cakes, cookies
    • Frozen pizza and pie crusts
    • Margarine and shortening
    • Coffee creamers
  • Pro Tip: Check ingredient labels for terms like “partially hydrogenated oils.”


Trans Fats Are Banned—So Why Are They Still in Foods?

Countries like Denmark and Canada have banned trans fats, but in the U.S., these harmful fats still infiltrate processed foods due to regulatory loopholes.


What Can You Do to Protect Your Brain?

  1. Focus on Healthy Fats:

    • Prioritize Omega-3s (from wild-caught fish, algae, or flaxseed).
    • Incorporate monounsaturated fats (from olive oil, avocado, and nuts).
  2. Limit Processed Foods:

    • Avoid packaged snacks and baked goods.
    • Cook at home using natural, whole ingredients.
  3. Read Nutrition Labels:

    • Watch for hidden trans fats and choose products with no hydrogenated oils.


Final Thoughts: Stop Falling into the Trap

Yes, big food industries created these unhealthy fats for profit, and yes, they’ve contributed to the rise of chronic diseases. But now that you know better, you can make conscious choices to protect your brain and body.

Remember: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Take control of your diet and avoid falling into their trap.


Episode Takeaway

The fats you eat directly impact your brain health. Avoid saturated and trans fats, focus on essential fats, and make choices that help you thrive, not just survive.


Jimmy Yen, Acu Sensei

Call us at (512) 273-7006 or email us at [email protected]